It can also help long term health of your teeth, gum and Jaw joints by spreading the chewing biting pressure over all your teeth and Jaw bones.
It can also help you to bite evenly thereby it reduces the strain.
Metal brackets and wires used to move teeth into proper position Present days we are using heat activated arch wires’ This type of wires allows the natural heat in the mouth to help move teeth quicker than before.
They are very similar to metal braces, they sit on the front of the teeth just like metal braces, but they blend with the teeth a little better because they are made up of tooth coloured ceramic material there by braces appear invisible. They work fast and effectively
These braces attach to the back of the teeth
This makes them invisible
But in all cases we can’t fix this type of braces. It is fully depend upon case.
It doesn’t look like braces at all.
Invisalign uses a series of plastic trays (18 to 50) to guide improper placement of teeth into a proper position.